

Back from Hiatus... time for Hemp! ;)

Sorry for my mini hiatus, everyone!
We've been in the process of moving, and we've just now got wifi hooked back up.
I still don't know if I'll be able to post as often as I used to,
but it will definitely be more often than lately!

Anyway, I figured I'd start my return with a bong, i mean, bang :P
I came across this brand Hempz in Ulta several months ago,
and finally a couple weeks ago I went back & scooped up some stuff.

Here's their self tanner & a body wash:

I'll do a full review of both of these products soon,
but so far, I will say- WOW!
The self tanner works wonderfully, and the body wash smells

Have any of you ever tried this brand?!
I'm super curious to know what your experience has been!

I have high hopes for these products,
but I will keep you posted :)