

nail polish tag !

welp, i received this tag from the bestie, & this is how it works!

The Questions

1. How many polishes do you own?
Oh, i'd say about 20 or 25 :p I've just recently discovered my interest in nail polish... plus, my main focus is make up! >.<

2. What is your favorite nail polish brand?
There are so many that I want to try that look amazing... but out of those I own, i guess OPI.

3. Do you like or hate crackle nail polish?
indifferent. I've never tried it. It looks neat, but i've heard it doesn't translate very well? Jury's out until I try it for myself

4. What is your first nail polish brand?
lawl, i do believe it was Bon Bons :p

5. If you create a nail polish line, what would you name it?
hmm good question... i have no idea. Perhaps 'Tots.' (my nickname when I was younger)

6. What nail polish color does not compliment you?
I don't think i've tried one yet that I thought didn't compliment me... BUT, there's a lot i havent tried. I can say that I don't think yellow or lime green look good on me.

8. Name two of your best nail art friends.
Out of my actual friends from the 'real world', Courtney is the only one who is interested in nail art. But she's my best friend & has a completely legit blog!

9. What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
Can't say that i've ever gotten a nail polish gift... at least none that I can remember. I've pretty much bought all my own stuff.

10. Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.
WELL, Courtney @ GaGa for Nails has inspired me to do my own blog! She's been my best friend for many years, and is also the Godmother to my daughter :) She's stuck with me through thick and thin, and is everything a best friend should be.  i love her very much :)

The Rules

- Answer the 10 questions
- Pass this tag to 5 bloggers
- Alert the bloggers you tagged about this

I'm passing this on to:

1 comment:

I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)