

xmas list

So my mom has been bugging me for awhile lately to finally give her my Christmas list, but i was having a hard time deciding exactly what I wanted to ask for (that wasn't baby/apt related)... BUT, today it occurred to me: Urban Decay eye pencils!
Their 24/7 Glide-on eye pencils are long lasting AND waterproof. I usually only wear black eye liner, but to enhance some of the looks i'm going for lately, I really feel that a few of these are necessary. The ones i asked for are:







These would work the best with the shades I use the most, & i'm really hoping to get at least a few of them! (*UD has 'Baked' on sale online for $7- hello!) Going hand-in-hand with these are my need for brushes. I've never really used brushes before but have preferred to apply/blend/etc with my fingers because i've just found it to be easier, albeit messy. However, with some of the things i'm wanting to try I really think some good brushes would come in handy. UD has 3 that i've also asked for:

this smudger brush

this shadow brush

and this crease brush!

Each are $26 which would ordinarily be much too pricey for me- but that's what Christmas is for :) Plus, you get what you pay for & I know UD is good quality- so it's worth it!

What are you asking for on your Christmas list (beauty related or not!)?


  1. Perfect Christmas list! I have Ransom (my favorite eyeliner ever!) and Bourbon - I think you'll really like those. Let us know how the others turn out! I want ... anything makeup. Heh. We have a secret santa at work and the form asked for favorite color. I asked if glitter was a color. =)

  2. Is twenty six dollars a normal shadow brush price? That seems ludicrous. And a small pallet is thirty six dollars? How long does that color last? I guess I am just naive...being somebody who doesn't wear makeup. I knew things could get a bit pricey, but this seems like an expensive love. Are there any cheaper brands that are still good quality that you have used?

  3. kaki: good to hear great things about the eyeliner! and i don't know what has happened exactly, but i've realized i have a new, slightly ridiculous obsession with glitter, myself. go us! (hope you get glitter galore form your secret santa :P)

    kaylea: No, the brushes are, admittedly, quite expensive. but you get what you pay for (& plus it's christmas), so that's the only reason i asked for them. If it was ME buying, i'd opt for a less expensive, albeit not as effective, brush. BUT, as far as the palettes go... i've had one of mine for a year and a half and have just recently had to replace a few of the shades that i used the most (& i used some of them everyday). Urban Decay's eye shadow's staying quality is legit- i don't even use primer, and mine stays on at LEAST 12 hours. No creasing or anything. Definitely, definitely worth the price!!

    That being said, I would recommend Maybelline's shadows. That's really the only other eye shadow i've used in the past few years that hasn't been UD or MAC, & it's pretty good for the price :)

  4. You know I swear by those eyeliners (considering I have about 50 of them...); they're pretty much all I use nowadays. :)


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)