

I've Got the Blues Week : Day 2- Russian Navy Suede

alright so some of you may remember the collection of suede finish polishes that OPI released a few years ago. yes? Well i happened to find one of these little gems in a random box whilst moving and figured I'd feature it during blues week! xD

I give you OPI's 'Russian Navy Suede'.

*forgive my dried out cuticles :/ I've got Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream to the rescue!
** also forgive the messed up spot on my ring finger. oopsies >.<

Here you have 2 coats, with no top coat (which, obviously, changes the look from suede to glossy).

Though not my favorites of polishes, I think this is really neat. It's a cool idea and the finish really does remind me of suede. I'm not a huge fan of the matte-ish look, but that's what makes it suede :P Application was easy and it actually dried quite quickly. Anyway, it's not a polish I've seen featured much on any blogs (perhaps due to its age), so I figured I would give it a little light! 

:) What do ya'll think?!


  1. I love this color! And I'm in love with suede and matte finishes. I think I'm like at least 6 months behind all trends.

  2. heh heh, thanks! I really didn't like it at first but it grew on me :)

  3. I love this, so pretty! I remember working at a salon when the suede line came out, I thought matte finishes were so ugly for some reason.. And now I'm OBSESSED! Love love love matte. I wish I could go back in time cause I definitely would have bought a few from that line! And I think this blue looks great on you!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)