

I've Got the Blues Week : Day 5- 'Robyn'

Happy Friday the 13th! :vD

So for today's blue i'm featuring my first Zoya polish!! I ordered this one and one other during the recent little deal had going on & could not wait for them to get here!

Behold, I give you Zoya's 'Robyn'

'Robyn' is a turquoise cream polish with a gorgeous glossy finish. As excited as I was to get this polish, I was pretty disappointed :/ I chose it because I don't have any other colors like it, but I really didn't like this color on me after all was said and done. The polish itself is wonderful, but the shade is just not for me. Maybe once my nails grow longer it will somehow look better? I don't know... it sucks, to say the least. Perhaps once i'm more tan for the summer...

Aside from how I think it looks with my skin tone, the actual polish is super fun and reminds me of a
good summery shade.

Do any of you have this particular color? What's your favorite Zoya?

This song reminds me of  'Robyn' because it's a happy, make-you-feel-warm-and-fuzzy color... & this song has always made me feel that way, as well xD


  1. This color is gorgeous! I think it looks great on you - I love bright colors on lighter skin tones (like mine!). Maybe if you wear it awhile it'll grow on you. When I first starting using dark polish, I thought it looked awful, and now I'm addicted!

  2. I totally left on a comment on this earlier and now it's not here... ugh. ANYWAY, I love this! I think it looks good on you!

  3. kaki: thank! maybe you're right- i just need to wear it more so it will grow on me :)

    courtbag: THANKS! :)

  4. I love how bright this blue is! Its so springy!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)