

I've Got the Blues Week : Day 7- 'A List'

Good evening fellow bloggers!
Today was a pretty badass day, considering I colored my hair for the very first time ever.
My natural color is this chestnut brown shade, but I really wanted a change. SO, I decided to go a couple shades darker! :p

and voila!

I'm in love and want to keep it forever.

ANYWAY, on to the final day of Blue's Week!

I give you 'A List'!
*fluorescent lighting

*excuse my f-ed up ring finger... wouldn't be me doing my nails if they didn't get screwed up right afterwards! :f

So I bought this polish not too long ago & have really been looking forward to trying it because it's just such a unique shade. It's a silky, pale blue that is super luxe. HOWEVER, I was pretty disappointed (though I guess I shouldn't have been, considering it was just a couple bucks) :/ Application was super trying. I don't know if i was because of the polish or what, but it was virtually impossible to not have the brush strokes showing. It was also a very unforgiving polish-- it shows ANY AND ALL errors. But again, it WAS just a couple bucks at Wally World so what did I expect? Not the way I wanted to finish Blue's Week, but there you have it! >.<

This reminds me of this polish because I have a feeling that if you're on the A List, you're bumpin' something like this because you know you're the sh*t :p


  1. I love this color! pure ice platinum is like that to for brush strokes. I just make sure my last swipe down the middle is as straight as can be so it look uniformed.

  2. PRETTY. I think my fave blue of the week was Zoya Robyn. :L And "This reminds me of this polish because I have a feeling that if you're on the A List, you're bumpin' something like this because you know you're the sh*t" made me lol hard in real life. You so sillaaay.

  3. YEah I think I may give Robyn another go because I want to like it so badly :/ and THANKS!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)