

Juicy Couture's 'Viva la Juicy' !

hellooooooo! ^_^
So today I wanted to talk about this amazing little purchase I made the other day. I'm usually pretty boring when it comes to perfume- i've used the same scent from Bath & Body Works for years & never cared to venture outside of it.
until now.
I got a free sample of Juicy Couture's 'Viva la Juicy' from Sephora with my Mariposa palette, & i fell. in. love. :L

 I just got the .5 fl oz bottle, ($25 a Walmart) but once it runs out I just might splurge for the (pricey) larger one.

It's absolutely dreamy! The scent is a combo of "wild berries and mandarins, honeysuckle, gardenia, & jasmine". I'm not usually a huge fan of floral scents (in perfume, candles, or anywhere else) but this realllllly struck me. It's delicate and sexy; the best of both worlds :k

I definitely recommend!

Have any of you tried this scent?
Thanks for reading! :h

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