

KardasianKolors: It's All About the Glam & Hard-Kourt Fashionista

hey guys!
So i could hardly wait to try out some of the polishes from the Kardashian collection that I bought yesterday, & here's what I have!

I attempted 'It's All About the Glam' first.
At first I thought this was just another typical white, cream polish, but it's actually got a really faint, pretty shimmer to it.
Unfortunately, it didn't translate onto my nails like I thought it would :/

No matter how many coats I put on, (I did 3 in the following pictures) I just couldn't quite get it to look like I wanted it to- it's just too sheer. On my so-so nails, it didn't look good at all. On longer, more pretty nails, however, I'm sure it would look great.

* just more sheer than I was looking for :/

* hopefully you can kind of see the shimmer here; sorry they're a bit sloppy!

So like I said, on a person with prettier nails & on someone who's more of a nail 'artist' than myself, I'm sure this polish would look great. Just wasn't what I thought it was going to be, & I wasn't crazy about how it looked on my beginner nails :/


The second polish I tried today was 'Hard-Kourt Fashionista' & i LOVED this one.

This is rich, creamy, chocolate brown. I was surprised at it's natural shiny-ness (?)- i hardly needed a top coat!

*excuse the messed up thumb :/

Anyway, I really didn't think I would like this color as much as I do. I'm not usually a fan of earthy tones on nails, but this one really surprised me. Definitely glad I scooped it up!

Thanks for reading,
& have a great night!


  1. I actually really like the white. It's almost like a super pale pink, which I think looks great on nails! The subtle shimmer is nice as well.

  2. So jealous! I haven't seen these anywhere. Sad.

    BTW I tagged you for a badge. If you'd like to pick it up, it can be found at

  3. Kaylea: though it wasn't what I thought it was going to be, the shimmer is definitely nice.

    & kaki: thanks!! I'll check it out :)


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)