

Lime Crime Time!


So I'm super excited about today's post because one of the several packages I've been anxiously waiting for came in today! :O

As you may have noticed, pretty much anytime I do a make-up look/review/suggestions whatever- it's Urban Decay. However, with some of my birthday money I decided to branch out and try some other brands. 

:star Introducing, Lime Crime's 'Mirror Mirror' :star

* Swatch, though it's hard to see it's shimmer here

* fluorescent  lighting 

* outdoor lighting

* straight on shot- i look sleepy :/

 YAY! :e
' Mirror Mirror' is part of their Magic Dust eyeshadows , and is a reflective silver with an iridescent shimmer. The effect really is etherial. I applied with my finger, but one could easily use a brush as well. Unlike other loose shadows, I did NOT find that it fell all over my face as I applied it, which was a nice little change :) 
 Aside from the neutral browns/tans, this look is the other one that I most commonly do. 'Tis a good nighttime look ;) I just bought one shadow since I didn't know if I would like them or not, but I'm definitely going back for more. They have a ton of several, super vivid colors. I really love the theme Lime Crime is based upon. It has a whimsical, mystical, and fantastical feel to it. It's quite fun :$ Each little "dust" is $14, which IS a bit cheaper than Urban Decay.

All in all, I'm very glad I gave these a go. They only have a few stores in the US (& only a few in other countries, too, for that matter) so their website is probably the best bet for acquiring their products. You should also check out their lipgloss/lipstick... that's definitely on my wish list, too.

AND, for all you nail guru's, they have a nail section coming soon! :i

There you have it.
Do any of you have any Lime Crime products?! 
What do you think about it?

Thanks for reading! :D


  1. I pretty much hate makeup, or at least doing it. Plus, I don't think my face holds shadow well, or anything really. Lip color. Winged, thick, or colored eyeliner. Anything more than barely there blush. Etc. My makeup routine consists or curled eyelashes (usually without mascara) and Physician's Formula Mineral Wear pressed powder (which I rub in with a tissue because I don't want to feel it on my face). What is the most simple, cost effective way to improve my daily look? I want to look super natural but put together.

  2. @ Nail Reflections- thanks!

    @ Kaylea- ok, my few suggestions to SIMPLY, & cheaply spice up your look would be using mascara, lipgloss/lip stick, and blush (in addition to your pressed powder). If you want to do a bit more. I would suggest eyeliner and perhapsssss eye shadow if you're feeling a bit daring :p a GREAT, cheap mascara is Maybelline's 'Great Lash' mascara (it's the one in a light pink bottle with a green cap)- it sells for about 5 bucks and you can find it almost anywhere. I've never used an eyelash curler, but I doubt you'd need to use it after applying this. As for lipgloss/stick, I've used Covergirl's lipgloss basically forever. It's great (& actually tastes yummy- for the times when we lick our lips, etc. & don't want to grimace from the shitty taste), HOWEVER, i've just recently started using lip stick. My current favorite is Covergirl's lip stain in 'hot passion'- which is a bright red. Though it's 7 or 8 bucks, you can find it anywhere. As for blush, though I don't remember the specific name, a good, cheap brand is (again) Covergirl. I use a super fluffy brush to sweep it on my cheeks while I smile to make sure I put it in the right spots. I really feel like those 3 things can easily spice up any look. They're easy to modify to go from day to night, and they take less than 5 minutes to do! Good luck!

  3. Thanks for the advice! I actually have a mascara I love...I just don't use it all the time. I choose to use an eye lash curler because it gives my eyes the illusion of being bigger, or more opened, making me look more awake. I often look tired without using it, which is all the time these days. I prefer a light lip, just because it's more natural, but will check out the Covergirl lip gloss maybe in a pale pink? I bought a Covergirl blush in a somewhat bright pink it better to use ones with bronze-y undertones instead? I haven't tried the blush out yet though. I do have a pretty nice brush, but I use it for my pressed powder. Is it best if you have seperate brushes for the two? Also, I have no idea how to do eyeliner or shadow, even if they did look good, so booo.

  4. I also bought a pale pink color of that same brand, so go for it! What number blush did you get? Mine is 540 rose silk; it's fairly bright, also, and I love it. I've never used a darker, bronze-ish tone (OR bronzer, for that matter...O_o) but I think it sounds like the shade you got would look good on you :) I guess ideally you'd want two separate brushes, but I don't personally think it's a big deal not to do so, as long as you dust off all the blush or powder before you use the other. I'm still learning more everyday about the best ways to apply eyeshadow & eyeliner, and there's a few different ways to do it. Check out Urban Decays website... they have a tab where they have illustrations & video on how to do all kinds of different looks. I've also just been looking at lots of legit make up blogs to learn from them. A lot of the time their looks are way too dramatic for way I'm wanting to do, but the basics for application are all the same. Check out this girl, she's amazing:



I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)