

a little Spit Fire for you ;p

hey guys! :)
 Blahhhhh, i've been barely keeping my head above water with school, my daughter, cleaning the apt, etc. etc... so I haven't had the energy to post too much lately. But I feel rather revived after forcing myself to relax some today, so here we go!

I'm pretty stoked about tonight's post because it's featuring a polish I've been anxious to use for quite awhile now.

I give you PureICE's 'Spit Fire' :e

* fluorescent lighting

Super badassssss <3

'Spit Fire' is a clear base with tiny rose colored glitter and larger pieces of holographic glitter. I couldn't believe my luck when I discovered this on the Walmart shelf. I feel like (at least at the Walmarts around me) I always see the same PureICE polishes... but I had never seen this little gem before. So of course I scooped it up. I can't believe the gorgeousness of this cheap little polish! :P So awesome.

Above is 3 coats, but it still looked great with just 2. As with most glitters (at least in my experience)- it dried pretty durn quickly. HOWEVER, removal will probably be the bane of my existence, but we'll see :o

 This song was too apt to pass up. I love me some Prodigy every now & then :) DNB, baby.

What do you guys think?! 
Thanks for reading! xD


  1. So I know when you said "you" you really meant "kaki at glitter obsession, you know, that girl who loves glitter and has been WAITING WITH HER BREATH HELD for this swatch, that girl" =) I would have put baited breath but I'm not sure if it's bated or baited. Hrmm. Anyway, thanks for the swatch!! I've been waiting for it. haha It's so pretty. I love it. Now I need to go to the store and pick one up.

  2. THIS IS REAL PURTY. It reminds me of OPI Teenage Dream from the Katy Perry collection which, if you recall my glitter post, is one of my faves. YAY!

  3. I love this one! I have yet to pick it up!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)