

Newest additions!

I'm taking a break from the mindless paper I'm writing so liven things up a bit with a post :)
Quickly, I made a few extra purchases today and wanted to share!


* from the Kardashian Kolor collection, 'Follow me on Glitter'

* left is Zoya's 'Tanzy' next to NOPI's 'Fabulous is my Middle Name'

* also from the KK collection, 'Kim-pletely in Love'
** super sheer polish, so hard to see on the wheel :/


I'll try to have some swatches up of these soon!
Do any of you have these?
What do you think?!

And because when I think of the Kardashians I think of rich and girly things, I thought this song was rather appropriate :P


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)