

n00b week! Day 3- 'Tanzy'

Good afternoon all!
After a GRUELING past 2 days, I've decided to not do squat today but blog and be lazy :P

Ok so, today I have for you the other Zoya from the recent promotion they had!

* 'Tanzy'

* sunlight, no flash -- looks very orange here

* fluorescent light, no flash -- looks more yellow/gold here.

'Tanzy' is a bright, tangerine orange with yellow and gold metallic sparkle. It's gorgeous!
It actually reminds me very much of pumpkin pie, and a good Fall polish... 

Application was a dream and it dried super quickly!
This has really got me wanting to buy more Zoyas...

any suggestions?
What's your favorite Zoya?



  1. So pretty! Now this is on my to get list. I got some polishes from that same special but I haven't used them yet. ;(

    1. thanks! I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I've decided to get some more, also :)

  2. Nice! I just got my very first Zoya myself so haven't tried any other jet!

  3. This is really pretty for an orange!! ^.^


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)