

newest additions & a Pinks-y Sphynx-y Valentine's look! (PICTURE HEAVY!)

ello, friends!
Ok, I want to jump right into tonight's post because I'm super excited about it.

First off are the newest additions to my little polish/make-up collection.

* UD's badA glitter eyeliner in a lovely pink-- 'Groupie'

'Techno' & 'Kinetic Candy' from CG's new Electropop collection!

Ulta's 'Pinata-Yada-Yada

WOO! I also got a nail art brush & dotting tool- for I think my nails are finally long enough that I may attempt some nail art! 

ANYWAY, on to the make up.
So it's been way too long since I've done a look & i figured that, with Valentine's coming up, I would attempt some new looks in honor of that.

I give you my 'Pinks-y Sphynx-y' :)

*forgive my funky eyebrow- i've always had one with a cowlick :/

(all Urban Decay)
'Rockstar', 'Junkshow', 'Sphynx'

As I was beginning this look & blending and whatnot, I really thought that I looked like a legit crazy person. But when I saw the finished product- I actually quite liked it. It's a bit bold and bright for Valentine's Day, but I like it all the same :D

I used my finger to apply 'Sphynx' as a base, then used my finger again to apply 'Junkshow' on the outer corners. After that I used a blending/shadow brush for the crease- where I used 'Rockstar', thought I used it in a very subtle way.

AS ALWAYS, blending with UD is a dream and it's super easy to achieve the effect you're going for.

What do you guys think?

Have a lovely night!


  1. love it! i always thought pink eye shadow was hard to pull off but it looks great on you! love the colors you used!

    1. thank you! I used to hate it, too. I still do, actually, unless it's a bright pink. that seems to be the only shade I really like, or that doesn't make my eyes look swollen O_o

  2. Love it! I'm going to have to try these. I'm so stuck on my neutral shadows that I haven't gotten into my BOS yet. sigh. BTW your skin is amazing. I hate you.

    1. I wear neutrals basically everyday, too. They're the best :) And thanks! though it probably won't be that way for long; i'm horrible at remembering to wash it and take my make-up off :x


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)