

first Elixir Lacquers polish!

Really excited for tonight's post because it's something a little different & a new favorite of mine (I feel like I say that about almost everything, but it really is :p).

I was browsing around Etsy and discovered the amazing talent of Elixir Lacquers!
I just bought one polish initially to see if I was even going to like them,
but i'm definitely going back for more.

I give you 'With a K'

Elixir Lacquers describes it as "Silver and electric violet holographic micro glitter with violet prismatic hexagon glitter, suspended in a violet jelly base"

I really, really love this polish. I'm not usually a jelly fan because I find them to be super gloopy and blah, but this was the exact opposite. I don't know if it had to do with the concentration of glitter or what, but it applied like a dream.
I used 2 coats here with one coat of SV, & the latter really is needed in order to get that glossy finish- otherwise it looks gritty and messy.

The dimensions in this polish are dazzling. I just KNOW it's going to look amazing in the sunlight, but I couldn't wait until morning and daylight to post this :X

Purchasing from Elixir Lacquers was super easy & it shipped almost immediately. No waiting around forever here :)

What do ya'll think? Do any of the rest of you have any of their polishes?
What are your thoughts??


  1. I'VE BEEN CONSIDERING THIS ONE FOR WEEKS. I believe this post has made me decide to get one.

    1. really?! haha thats weird. you should definitely do itttttt

  2. Ack! Gorgeous! Love. I don't have any indie polishes but me wants.

    1. thanks! you totally need to get some. love 'emmmm

  3. GORGEOUS!!!! I absolutely love this :)

  4. I like this! It makes me think of lilac bushes and I looove lilacs! =P


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