

nail mail & new palette!

hey hey hey!
my Zoya's finally came in,
along with my newest addition to my Urban Decay palette family.

let's goooo! :)

So as most of you know, Zoya's most recent promotion was buy 3 polishes, get 3 free.
I got:
* From L to R: 'Jinx', 'Ivanka', & 'Gilda'
* From L to R: Phoebe', 'Akyra', & 'Kylie'

Can't wait to try & post about all these :D

Next up, 
Urban Decay's Book of Shadows Vol. 2
* messed up 'Zephyr' as I was getting it out :x

Now this palette is nothing new, BUT it was on eBay for $25... and there are a few shades in here that i've never tried so I figured, what could it hurt? :p

Really excited to try some new looks with these as well,
and get those on here!

Thanks for reading,
& have a good night! :)


  1. 1) I like how we got most of the same color Zoyas, just different shades/finishes. ;] 2) I believe I need that palette to add to my familia, as well... were there more available for purchase?

    1. not from my seller... but the whole situation was weird bc I bid on this palette initially (starting price was $25; my max was $40) & got outbid... but then the seller gave me some kind of after-deal where she sold me ANOTHER one for the starting price :) lawl, i don't know if it was out of pity or what, but it was awesome :p

  2. I can't wait to see you swatch Ivanka. It looks fabulous!

    1. i know, right?! I wish I'd gotten in in time for St. Patty's day, but oh well

  3. you got nice collection... post the reviews :D

  4. I love that BOS and after I posted swatches, I put it aside and have yet to use it! Crazy right?!? Lovin' the Zoyas!

  5. I loooove UD palettes! Grats an the awesome deal! Gotta love EBay ;)

    1. lololol, ME TOO. I already have several but decided I needed this one :x and right!?! this was the first time i'd ever used eBay, but it's definitely awesome.


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)