

'Zoya Week' Day 4: 'Ivanka'

I'm heading to knoxville for the weekend, HOLLA!
So excited :)))))

So today I have a gorgeous metallic for you, 'Ivanka'!


* sunlight

Zoya describes 'Ivanka' as "mermaid green sparkling metallic". Depending upon the light, it can look more forest green than grass green. Either way, I love it. It's packed with TONS of sparkle and is just dazzling. I used 2 coats here & application was great.
I wish I'd bought this in time for St. Patty's day because it would have been perfect... but oh well :)


  1. This color is gorgeous!! I've never really been a fan of greens until recently - and this one is amazing!

    1. thanks! I thought so, too. I feel like it's amazingness stems from the fact that it's a metallic.

  2. I love this! Like the above comment, I've been getting into greens too! I want this now :)

  3. Oooohhhh this is reeeeally pretty!! I strongly debated on this one during one of their last promotions, but passed on it. Shame, shame!!


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