

Live Loud! - Day 1


So as I was browsing in Sally's not too long ago, I kept bring drawn to the row of neons/brights... so of course I got a couple, and i love them so much that i've decided to dedicate a week to neon/bright polishes!
I was hoping to do this the week I go to the beach,
but i've got exams and an apartment to pack up before heading to Gulf Shores,
so there's just not going to be any time for it unless I do it now.

I've never really been TOO much of a super bright/neon polish fan, but I have no idea why. They are seriously my new favorites.

For day 1, I give you 'Sun Worshiper'.

'Sun Worshiper' is a fantastic neon orange. I didn't realize just how much of a neon it was until I saw it in the daylight the night after I first put it on. It's awesome!! It actually matched the orange in my UT shirt that day, which was a nice little surprise :p
Unfortunately the polish was a little runny/thin, but nothing too bad. I used 3 coats in the pictures above, but could have probably used a third. Oddly enough, it dried matte! Which was not what I was expecting, though it looked neat. I'm a bigger fan of the glossy finish, however , so i applied a coast of SV afterwards.

There you have it!
Makes me smile :D


  1. WOAH this is crazy bright. I'm strangely drawn to it though. I've seen this in the Sally store and I always contemplate buying it!

  2. Awesome color. I recently bought this color. I wonder if your other neons are ones I bought too! Can't wait to see more. Where in the gulf are you going?

    1. I didnt know any of them were neons until I put them on, but they're all awesome! And we're going to gulf shores, alabama!

  3. You know I love me some bright, neon colors! This one is awesome. The only thing I'm not too fond of is the matte finish that comes along with neon polishes, meh. Top coat, ftw!

    1. It actually turned out to be the perfect it orange :p and yeah I wasn't a huge fan of the matte finish either

  4. ooh I love this color! I'm loving neon colors right now and China Glaze is one of my favorites. I'm following you back from Our Lovely Life!

    1. i'm in the neon mood, too. must be because of summer time :) & thanks!

  5. I'm jealous! I've only been to Gulf Shores once, but LOVED it!! ^.^

    This is probably my favorite neon orange polish ever!

    1. yeah its been a pathetic like 5 or 6 years since i've seen the ocean, so it's time, haha. and i love it, too! so much more awesome than I even expected :p


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)