

Live Loud!- Day 8

Back to nail polish tonight,
 and it's arguably my favorite (other than 'Flip Flop Fantasy).

China Glaze's 'Pink Voltage'!

'Pink Voltage' is a Pepto Bismol, neon pink with slight light purple shimmer. It's UH-MAZING. Totally a girly girl color that's bright and loud and happy and just... awesome :)
It dried matte, but it was a different looking matte than the others i've tried lately, for some reason.  After a coat of SV, it was kind of glossy but velvety at the same time... i was hoping you could see it in my photos, but I don't know how well it translated.
Anyway, i'm in love with this color.
Perfect for summer.

Do any of you have this?


  1. SO bright! I stared at all the China Glaze neons in the Sally store yesterday. I was thinking of you. I ultimately decided that once you were through posting the neons, I would pick my favorite and go buy it!

    1. hahaha thats hilarious. aren't there SO MANY?! it's nuts. you should most definitely go buy some & post them so I can see :P

  2. So gorgeous! This one looks a little less intense and it looks totally wearable. Love it!

  3. O.O This is a gorgeous neon pink! I think I like it more than Flip Flop Fantasy!!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)