

Revlon 'Popular'

Hey lovelies!
So i've discovered a new obsession: Whale Wars.
Anyone else watch this show?
It's absolutely fantastic.
Being someone that has seen a mom and baby humpback whale breach dozens of times in person, the issue of the Japanese all but eradicating whales is a close issue to my heart.

Okay, there's my soapbox for the day.
ANYWAY, on to tonight's polish!

I bought this awhile ago but have just now gotten around to trying it. 

'Popular' is a milky, pastel pink with silver micro & large hexagonal glitter.

^ My middle and ring finger nails broke off today and got peeled back to the quick :((

It IS pretty sheer, so at least 3 coats are necessary for opacity, which is what I used here.
I found this polish to be very lovely & almost etherial! It didn't look like something all that special to me at first, but I ended up really loving it.

That's it!
Anyone else have this?


  1. I love this. I prefer to wear it over an opaque light pink or white because I can avoid doing three coats. I also bought one of these for my mom and she loves it :D

    1. That's a good idea. I'll need to try that next time

    2. That's a good idea. I'll need to try that next time

  2. i keep seeing it and almost getting it but then i dont. it looks great on you though!

  3. I love the softness of the shade and I love that it also has glitter!!

  4. Oooh very pretty. I think I have this one. I'll have to find it and actually wear it!

    1. And I haven't seen Whale Wars, but I have seen the show Popular. For all of the one season it was on.

    2. Lol, I've never heard of that show! Interesting... You should definitely check out whale wars. Comes on animal planet

    3. Lol, I've never heard of that show! Interesting... You should definitely check out whale wars. Comes on animal planet

  5. I don't have this one, but it is pretty!! ^.^


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)