

9 Days of my Head in the Gutter- Day 6

Hey guys!
Sorry for missing yesterday,
I had a BIT of a crazy night last night (which is when I usually write my posts for the next day) due to a party I had,
and never quite got the chance to blog :/

Speaking of that party (which was a sex toy/lingerie buying- type party),
today's polish was chosen because of it's relation to the aforementioned.

I bring you, 'Dining at the Pink Taco'.

Here's 2 coats of Dollish Polish's 'Dining at the Pink Taco'.
It's a medium hot pink with with hot pink glass shimmer.
I feel like this polish looks the most metallic-y so far.

This polish also is the most opaque of those of the collection i've shows you thus far.
It was basically opaque in 1 coat, but I added a second for good measure.

This title is quite entertaining,
so cheers to all you ladies out there who's significant other is, er, dining, there soon!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)