

Day 2: Favorite children's book nail art

Happy Sunday funday!
Today is Day 2 of the children themed nail art challenge i'm doing.
Today's theme is for my child's favorite children's book!

She has many favorites, but one of them is The Rainbow Fish. I'm sure all of you are familiar with this book. I think my daughter likes it best because if the colors, seeing as how she doesn't really understand anything else about it yet, haha.

SO, I went out on a limb and attempted to fish scale nail art using my dotting tool.

(this is prior to clean up, because i wanted a good picture before they got messed up)
As you can see... it didn't work out all that well :( For some reason i have the hardest time with the dotting tool. I think if I made each dot bigger, it would have helped. But oh well.

This was taken outside not long after...and YEP, it already got messed up. My dots were somewhat gloopy, and my topcoat did nothing to help the matter. It got mushed and smushed minutes after I took that first photo. humph.

Here's what I decided to do with my right hand, after the dotting tool art fail.
Easy peasy.

Despite how it turned out,
I really like all the colors I chose.
I'm thinking about doing some nail art or creating an eye look with them in the future...

Here's what all I used!

SO, nail art fail for this day :( But lesson learned, I think. It will be interesting to try again after i've had more practice!


  1. i knew it was the rainbow fish as soon ad I saw the photos! great book and great nails :)

    1. lol, thanks! i butchered the dotting so much that I hesitated even posting it, but glad to know it's recognizable! :p

  2. this is perfect! I knew it was the Rainbow Fish just by the photos :)

  3. well thanks guys! :) you make me blush :x

  4. Awesome job. I'm loving what you're been doing so far! Can't wait to see more. And I think your fish scales are awesome!

  5. I loved that book when I was little! I've always wanted to do nails based off of it like these, but never got around to it! =P


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)