

Dollish Polish, twitter, & Bloglovin'

Hey guys!
I hope everyone has had a great weekend.
I don't know about you guys,
but i'm ready for summer to be over, if nothing else- for good sports.
I'd rather watch paint try than watch baseball :X

few things to share with you guys today.
First off,
I got some SUPER exciting nail mail today!!

Yep, that's a wholllllle line from Dollish Polish.
I'm going to start a new series & share these awesome beauties with you! :)
So stay tuned for that.

i've got some new ways to contact/follow me aside from here or my facebook.
I've finally joined the 21st century and made a twitter! :X
You can follow me there at: taylorXhelana

I've also had someone ask me if I could join Bloglovin' because it's easier,
and I figured some of the rest of you might also be thinking that same thing-
so in the top-ish right column of my page here, you'll see the link to follow me on Bloglovin' !

don't forget to enter Kaki at Glitter Obsession's AWESOME giveaway!!

1 comment:

I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)