

giveaways & updates!

Hey everyone!
Just wanted to mention a couple of things today.

1. I will get back to the 14 day nail art challenge tomorrow. I know my posts have been a little random and not 'challenge centered' the past couple of days, but things have been a little crazy c: All will go back to normal tomorrow!

2. My lovely friend Kaki over at Glitter Obsession is hosting YET ANOTHER totally awesome giveaway. They're polishes that (somehow) i've never seen before, and i'm so stoked about them. Crossing my fingers! :p

3. I put in an order today for an entire line of polishes from Dollish Polish and i CAN'T WAIT to share them with you guys! :D

4. In case you didn't see my post the other day, i'm participating in the Penguin Makeup Challenge in August. It's being hosted by Kaki (among others) & they're searching for others to come on board. Check out the details here, and do it with us!

5. Lastly (but certainly not least),
don't forget to enter my giveaway (ENDING THIS FRIDAY!)
& vote for your favorite makeup look !

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. You're so funny. The collection came out years ago but now are reallllllly HTF.

    1. Lol, I figured it was something my noob self missed. They are totally awesome though

    2. Lol, I figured it was something my noob self missed. They are totally awesome though


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)