

June favorites!

ahhh, HOW is it already July?
last month flew by so fast, it's unreal.
But alas, it's over- and it's time for my end of June favorites.

First off, let me start by saying THANK YOU to everyone that's already entered my giveaway!!
Also, lots of you have given me some great feedback and suggestions,
and I really appreciate it! :)

Okay, on to my favorites
(and forewarning, they all somehow have to do with smells this month!):

Bath & Body Work's 'Coconut Lime Breeze'
This fragrant mist is one of my top favorite scents for summer.
The coconut gives it that wonderful, beach-y feeling,
and the lime keeps it from smelling too much like tanning lotion.
All in all, it's a great mix that has great staying power.
AND, it's only $11 !

Next up,

Herbal Essence's 'Hello Hydration' products.
I've picked these strictly on how they smell, lol :)
I have pretty long hair (and being that it gets in my own and other's people's faces all the time, though its mostly accidental)- so I want to smell delightful, if I can make it so.
This also has a beach-y smell, as it's made with Hawaiian coconut and orchid extract.


Tarte's 'Celebutante Dry Oil Shimmer Spray'
This spray smells FANTASTIC and gives your body that shimmery, summery glow.
Though it's a product i orgininally used in winter time,
it ALSO smells of coconut (shocker! I think we have a theme here...),
and works perfectly well for summer, too.
This IS a bit pricey, going for about $30 at Sephora or Ulta.

That's it (oddly enough) for my June favorites.
I've had such little time to explore much of anything new last month with my stressful schedule, but July is looking muchhhhh more open ;p
Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi,
    I also have that scent ^^, i really love it
    this is my blog:
    I would appreciate it if you could check it out my June favorites ;D

  2. Wow. I doooooo see a theme there! Coconut anyone? That B&BW scent sounds interesting. Herbal Essence is always a crowd pleaser!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)