

Holographic pubes!

Hey guys- quick post today.
In case you're wondering wtf the title of this post is about, let me enlighten you...

I bought this ORLY the other day because it just looked gorgeous.
However, i haven't had much success with polishes like this,
and this time I was once again reminded why.

Here's ORLY's Be Brave' over NOPI's 'Kim-pletely in Love'

Does anyone else feel about them the way I do?
I don't know. Maybe I should have applied less or applied more (this is 1 coat of 'Be Brave'), but i JUST can't stand how it looks. I can't help but be reminded of nasty pubes when I look at this, however holographic and pretty they might be.
This is the second time I've tried to use a topcoat full of bar glitters,
and the first time I felt the same way I do now :/

It sucks because they really are beautiful and shiny, just not for me.
What are your thoughts?!


  1. Bwahahahaha. I opened my reader and clicked on your post FIRST because of the title. I'm not that big of a fan of bar topcoat. It's too sparse for all the super densely packed glitters out there. In a mix of reg glitter they make it interesting, but alone, I agree, it's kinda meh. Maybe adding more coats? Or maybe you can do some frankening with them and make something you like!

    1. Agreeeeeeed. Frankening is something I still haven't tried but might have to soon

  2. Omg. The title of this is amazing.

  3. i always love how bar glitter looks in the bottle, but i totally agree with you that it looks like pubes once you paint it on!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)