

Candy Corn look :)

Happy Tuesday!
Today is the last day of my Fall break :(
But i'm making the most of it by taking my daughter to the zoo! Last time we went she was only about 6 months old and slept through most of it haha. So I know she'll enjoy it this time :)

I have a fun look for you today.
Of course this time of the year is the time of candy corned everything.
I've seen a lot of nail art inspired by it (which I hope to have time to try my hand at),
but I thought it would fun to do a look based on the colors.
I LOVE the combo of white, yellow, and orange on my eyes and have used it several times before, but I decided to go a little more dramatic tonight.

Here's 'Candy Corned'!

Just the one picture, sorry. I took a ton but this is the only one I really liked, wtf.
So no straight on shots today :/

I used:
Urban Decay's Naked Skin Foundation
Tarte's Cheek Stain 'Full Blossom'

Too Faced's Shadow Insurance
Sugarpill's 'Tako', 'Buttercupcake', & 'Flamepoint' respectively
Covergirls liquid eyeliner in black
Urban Decay Big Fatty mascara

Urban Decay's Brow Box 'Honeypot' (review of this coming soon!)

 I love me some Sugarpill!
I could have done a bit better with the blending, but I still love it. So bright and happy, and totally candy-corny.
What do you guys think?!
Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. ahh this is so bright and awesome!! i love it! and i love the zoo too! :)

  2. Aaaaaaaa this is sooo bright and cause a smile on my face:) As outside is dull and rainy:/ though I would blend better the white with yellow colour;) But it's just my opinion:)
    xoxo Beautiful:*

    1. Thanks! Yeah I definitely agree with you on the blending. Was in a hurry and didn't polish the look up like I wanted :/ next time!

    2. :) but the juxtaposition of colours is indeed great:D ;)

  3. Now that is really awesome looking! Fun and festive!

  4. i love your look :D

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  5. OMG I love this! Candy Corn is so good =3
    I just love how bright and fun this is!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)