

'Last Dance'

Hey guys!
So in case you haven't noticed,
i've been totally obsessed with maroons, burgundy, cranberry, etc colors this Fall season.
I really enjoyed the last two looks that I did using colors from that family,
so I decided to try my hand at another one... hopefully you're not getting sick of them! :/ :p

Here's a look using primarily BFTE's 'Last Dance'!

Pretty straightforward. More than anything, I wanted to showcase that gorgeous plum color. Such a great shade for Fall!
I really liked this look, after all was said and done.

I used:

The first 3 are Urban Decay,
while the last 3 are Beauty From the Earth shadows.
BFTE really is a fantastic brand, in case you don't know much about them.
SUPER pigmented and shimmery shadows for a great price! :)
I followed up with my usual Covergirl Line Exact liquid eyeliner & UD Big Fatty mascara.

Let me know! :)

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