

Spider web eye look!

Happy Friday!
Today marks the first day of my Fall break & i'm beyond relieved.
I need a good break from school work.

I have a fun little makeup look for you today.
I saw a look on Pinterest that I HAD to attempt to recreate because it looked so fun.
 I haven't done that many Halloween posts yet (just one, really), so I was ready to dive head first into this one!

So obviously this is not something I would ever wear out,
but it was super fun and festive to create. I just kind of focused on the one eye and forgot about the other eye :x I didn't plan on doing a spider web on both, but I planned to do a bit more to the other one... oh well. The web is a little shaky because my hands shake like crazy, and even though I held the hand using the eyeliner with my free hand to steady it- it still didn't turn out as good as I had hoped :/ In general, i like it though!

I used:
Too Faced's Shadow Insurance
Urban Decay's 'Blackout' & 'Black Dog' on lid
UD's 'Polyester Bride' on brow bone
Covergirl liquid eyeliner in black to create spiderweb
Femme Couture black holo glitter eyeliner over Covergirl liner
UD's Big Fatty mascara

What do you guys think?


  1. This is so cool! I would definitely do something like this for Halloween =)

  2. heeey :D this is great!:D I luv it!:) Must do sth on halloween too:)

  3. omg omg i LOVE this!! your eyes look gorgeous! this is really freaking awesome!

  4. I would call this "wearable Halloween". Not all people want to go out and do crazy makeup (well I'm in group of people who want to be crazee on Halloween :D)
    I had something similar in mind to do for my "wearable Halloween".
    I love your look so much! Keep up the good work!
    X Deja
    Deja Zu

    1. thanks! and that's a good term for it. your "crazy" makeup is ridiculously awesome, though. so much skill! jealous :p

  5. This is awesome! I love black eyeshadow with your colored eyes! It suits you well~


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)