

'Cupcakes & Candy'

Happy Saturday! :)
I'm taking a break from nails to do a fun Springtime look for you.
Today's look is a recreation of the original, done by Phyrra here.
She used 3 of my most favorite colors to use on my eyes,
so I knew I had to recreate it!
It also gave me a chance to try out some of the shadows from my new LC palette, too.

Here's my version of "Cupcakes & Candy", initially by Phyrra.

Her look is much better,
but i still like mine, okay :)
Mine is more acid/bright than hers, though.


All but the first one are from Lime Crime's Aquataenia palette.
'Armor' is from UD's Vice Palette.

I had fun creating this.
Phyrra always does such fun looks! :)
What do you think?

1 comment:

I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)