

Easter look! (revisited)

Hey everyone,
about a year ago ( when my blog was still in its infancy),
I created a look for Easter using yellow, white, & pink.
Now that the holiday is again approaching & my skill set has increased a bit,
I figured i'd revisit it!

The idea here was to create something light, simple, & delicate.
It's a color combo I wouldn't usually do,
but I really like it.
It's happy! :)

I used a ridiculous amount of shadows to accomplish this
because I just couldn't seem to quit adding,
but it can easily be accomplished with just 3 or 4 of them.

UD's 'Polyester Bride' & unnamed white metallic ULTA shadow- inner corner
unnamed ULTA yellow shadow & unnamed yellow from Sephora palette- middle lid
unnamed ULTA pink shadow & UD's 'Sphynx'- outer lid
UD's 'Tainted'- crease
UD's 'Vanilla'- brow bone

What do you guys think?
Thanks for reading! :)


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)