

Game of Thrones makeup series- House Tyrell

Happy Saturday!
I've got the next installment in my GoT series today.
After last week's show, I was even more impressed with Margaery.
I love how she handles Cersei and really gives her a run for her money.
Today's post is all about the Tyrell's & their saying, "Growing Strong".

I used the colors of the Tyrell's sigil as well as their saying for inspiration.

Margaery is soft & ladylike, yet very cunning- and she's growing stronger and more powerful in the kingdom every day. I tried to portray that here. I wanted to have the softness/wearability, but also represent the boldness that is Margaery.

I used:
UD Primer Potion
UD 'Bender' & Sugarpill 'Midori'- crease
UD's 'Eldorado'- browbone/lid
SYN Cosmetics's 'Legend' & UD's 'Urb'- lid
Covergirl Line Exact eyeliner
L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes mascara


  1. wow this is beautiful! i love the colors!

  2. this is lovely, I still need to catch up with Game of Thrones this season!

  3. I love the green and gold combo! This is a really beautiful look!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)