

Lime Crime's 'No She Didn't'

I finally have a Lime Crime lipstick in my possession.
I've been lemming for at least one of their lipsticks foreverrrrr,
and now that summer is on it's way,
I decided to give in & buy a bright one :)

This is 'No She Didn't'

annnnnnd a much crappier picture-

'No She Didn't' is a bright & gorgeous robin's egg blue opaque lipstick. It's just so unique and amazing, and totally lived up to my expectations. It went on very smooth and applied like butta! I'm not sure where I would actually wear this OUT (aside from maybe a show/rave or something?), but i LOVE it nonetheless. Lime Crime has a ton more brightly and unique colored lipsticks, as most of you know, and I cannot wait to try more.
They are so fun!

What d you guys think about this bad boy?
Have you tried any of LC's lipsticks?

1 comment:

  1. i love how you decided on a blue lipstick instead of something pink or red! this is a beautiful color!


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