

Dupe or No? :: Urban Decay Vice 2 comparisons

So after recieving my Vice 2 palette recently,
I was looking at it and thought... wait a minute.
Some of those look very much like UD shadows I already have-
and ones that aren't old.

So in case any of you were wondering the same thing,
I decided to do a dupe post with some of the shadows from Vice 2 that are similar to other UD shadows.

Here are my findings!

Dupr OR no ?

Upon first glance, I was sure that these two golds were the same.
After swatching them, though, you can see that they are, indeed, different.
The one from Vice 1 is slightly more pigmented and a much brighter gold,
while 'Strike' from Vice 2 is more of a deep gold.
They both are satin-y smooth & great quality,
and would create two totally different looks.
So, in my opinion, no dupe.

Next, Dupe or no?

These two are basically the same except that 'Stash' is a satin shadow while 'Jagged' is a chunky glitter. The shade is the same, though. 'Stash' is MUCH better quality, in my opinion.
So, basically a dupe.

Dupe or no?

These two clearly are not dupes. UD has a few light pinks, but each is slightly different.
You can see that the biggest difference between the new one vs. 'Hot Pants' is that 'X-Rated' is matte and very delicate. 'Hot Pants' is a satin and much more pigmented.
I like them both equally :)
No dupe here!

Dupe or no?

I, again, at first glance thought for sure that 'Betrayal' was a dupe of 'Omen', which UD released a couple years ago for the first time in their 15th Anniversary palette.
As you can see, though, 'Betrayal' is a much deeper purple, though they both have the same sheen.
No dupe here, either!

Though I don't have comparisons,
some other POSSIBLE dupes from UD's Vice 2 palette to look out for are 'Ambush' & 'Twice Baked', and also 'Derailed' & 'Armor' from Vice 1.
Just something to keep in mind :)

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I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)