

So long, Summer

Even though it's still scorching here,
the leaves are changing and by golly, i'm going to will Fall to be here.
That being said, I created my last summer-themed/inspired look of the season.

If you checked out my favorite from Summer post,
you saw that one of them was the Ultra Matte palette from Sleek.
I really haven't gotten a chance to play with it as much as I would have liked to,
so I used it to create my last beachy look :)

I used:
Too Faced's Shadow Insurance
Sleek's 'Chill' & 'Cricket'- lid
Sleek's 'Bolt' & Sugarpill's 'Afterparty-' crease
Sleek's 'Dragon Fly'- waterline
Covergirl Clump Crusher Lash Blast mascara
Covergirl Line Exact mascara

So this is a simple & straight forward look, it's just uber bright & happy :)
These colors definitely remind me of the beach, summer, and are just simply some of my favorite to wear. I don't often to all matte looks, but these shadows are too perfect not to use!
What do you guys think?

1 comment:

I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)