

Tinkerbell Inspired

Today is my daughter's 2nd birthday!
She's in love with fairies,
so naturally we are having a fairy themed birthday party for her.
In honor of that, I decided to play around with a fun little Tinkerbell inspired look.

This looked much cooler in person than on here.
You could see the full effect of the dusted green on my cheeks 
& around my eyes.
It just looked better, humph.

Here's a super crappy pic of the mediocre design I did on my cheeks:

This design was fairy-like to me?
Eh, they're not symmetrical at all on both cheeks
(which drives me crazy),
but it was just for fun.

I used:
Too Faced's Shadow Insurance
BFTE's 'Envy'- dusting around eyes/face
Victorian Disco 'Yoda's Yoga Mat' - browbone
UD's 'Damaged ', Sugarpill's 'Midori ', & BFTE's 'Green Apple '- crease
 VD's 'The Fett'- outer crease
Lime Crime's 'Seahorse Discourse '- lid
UD's 'Stash'- inner corners
Covergirl Line Exact eyeliner
Covergirl Clump Crusher mascara

Face: UD 24/7 Eyeliner in 'Graffiti'
& Lime Crime's Uniliner in 'Lunar Sea'

I also at one point attempted to use my UD Heavy Metal gold glitter eyeliner 
in the inner corners of my lids too, if you see some weird, dark area in the first picture.
That didn't translate well, either.

All in all,
I actually really liked this.
It was fun and whimsical.
What do you think?
How would you have done a Tinkerbell look?


  1. really cute, i love that you did this for your daughter, happy birthday to her!

  2. Happy belated birthday to your daughter! You look super adorable!!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)