

'On a Clear Day'


Did you think I'd forgotten about you?
I haven't! I've just been SUPER freaking swamped.
I've been going to bed as soon as all my stuff is done and daughter is put to bed,
and the time that's usually able to be spent on myself (i.e. blogging)-
I've spent going to bed early instead :x

Anyway, I have a polish from a completely NEW indie maker!
Well, new to me anyway.
I hadn't even heard of the brand until recently.
Here's 2 coats of 'On a Clear Day' from Indie Polish !

'On a Clear Day' is a turquoise polish with juuuuuust a hint of shimmer.
It's really lovely, especially for the upcoming seasons :)
I was really impressed with this polish.

GO check out her store;
she's got some really cool & unique polishes there!

Brand: Indie Polish
Type: Shimmrt
Formula: Great!
Opacity (1-5): 4-5
Application: Fantastic
Price: $4 for a mini
Get This: no longer sold :/

1 comment:

I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)