

Bondage, Baby

Okay, so this look has more than just Bondage in it,
but I like the title :P

For anyone starting to feel incredibly uneasy, but Bondage I'm referring to an eyeshadow,
not S&M.

I did a look today using several shadows from Urban Decay's new Vice 3 palette that i acquired a couple weeks ago.
Today was really the first chance I've had to play around with it,
and it's amazeballs.
( full post of swatches coming soon)

The rest of the shadows came from older Vice palettes.

Here's Bondage, Baby.

This look would be a sultry, nighttime/date night look.
The colors I used reminded me very much of Fall, too.
I'm IN LOVE with 'Sonic' and 'Bondage',
and will def use them more in the future.

I used:

'Lucky', 'Sonic', and 'Bondage' are all from Vice 3.
'Ambush' and 'Derailed' are form Vice 2,
and 'Freebird' is from the original Vice!

Check back soon to see full swatches of the Vice 3 palette :)


  1. Bondage and Sonic look great together!

  2. haha you crack me up. this is a gorgeous look!! :)

  3. Looks great. I'm so jealous of your lashes. I was just organizing my make up for yet another move and I found my original Vice palette UNTOUCHED. Sigh. Sometimes there isn't enough time for all the makeup!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)