

I'M BACKKKKK... kind of.

Hello, fellow bloggers!
After graduating college, moving to a new city, starting a new job, AND getting married-
I FINALLY have a little time to get back to blogging!
... and only because it's Fall Break :P

Hopefully, I can get the ball rolling again and post at least twice a week

I will preface this by saying that after all the stress the past several months has held,
my nails are crap.
I've bit and picked at them to the point that they are nowhere near presentable to be photographed-
at least now for a nail/beauty blog.

For tonight, since Fall is finally here, I have a lovely little Fall-ish lipstick.
Here's Maybelline's 'Maple Kiss':

I snagged this beauty from the drugstore the other day.
I'm sure it's not a new product,
but it's still lovely for Fall :)

Perfect for Fall!

I have some brand new SYN Cosmetics shadows that I'll be swatching for my next post!


  1. welcome back!! I was just hovering around here the other day looking for you :) Congrats on all of life's changes! Gorgeous lippy too!

  2. That's such a nice colour on you!


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)