

Super Simple Christmas v.2

Happy Monday! 

BUT, I can help you start off this Monday right with today's new look :)
Last year, I created a simple Christmas look.
I decided to create a similar but different spin on it for this year.

A lot of the looks I post take either a lot of time, experience/knowledge, 
and products to create.
Not everyone has all or some of those things,
SO- I wanted to create a look that anyone could create, it takes about 5 minutes,
and you could use any products to do it :)

Here's this year's super simple Christmas look:

I used:
Too Faced's Shadow Insurance
UD's 'Downfall' & 'Undone'- crease
UD's 'Vanilla'- inner corner
SYN Cosmetics' 'Moolah' & 'Greedy' and UD's 'Dragon'- lower lash line
L'Oreal Butterfly Intenza mascara

I like the matte on the lid and the party-like shimmer on the bottom ;P
It's easy and fairly tame,
but still has that holiday spirit!

What do you think?
Would you wear this?


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)