

Wet N Wild's Fergie 'D-Vinely Chilled' lipstick

So as I was randomly perusing my local drugstores' shelves the other day,
I snatched up this baby.
It looked like Fall to me,
and I'm a sucker for an oxblood-colored anything.
(I actually ended up pairing it with this look)

I've only ever tried one other Fergie lipstick (and I've been much less than impressed with Wet N Wild's other Fergie products), so I didn't have very high expectations.
Here's what I found:

As you can see, indoors, it's a lusty, merlot-red.

In natural light, however-

It turns much more fuchsia-red.


I like it better as the wine-red :)
Either way, it was an okay buy.
The formula wasn't as great as nicer (and my more preferred) lipsticks like Maybelline,
(and certainly nothing like Mac),
but hey- you get what you pay for.

It's cheap and great for every now and then.
I have no problem adding it to my arsenal of lipstick options :)


Caribbean Cruise

Hello, everyone!
I just got back from my honeymoon, (Princess Cays and Turks & Caicos),
and I did a Caribbean inspired look for it :)
Summer in October, hey hey.

Here's my Caribbean Cruise, last-of-summer look:

I was focused mainly on that Caribbean-water blue on the second half of the lid :)
It matched my dress perfectly, and I thought it looked exactly like the water outside our window!

I used (all UD shadows):
Too Faced's Shadow Insurance
'Vanilla'- inner corner
'Deep End'- second half of lid
'Prank' & 'Revolver'- crease
'Madness'- highlight over crease
Covergirl Line Exact eyeliner
L'Oreal mascara (to be reviewed soon!!)

What do you guys think of this look?
Remind you of the beach?


Bondage, Baby

Okay, so this look has more than just Bondage in it,
but I like the title :P

For anyone starting to feel incredibly uneasy, but Bondage I'm referring to an eyeshadow,
not S&M.

I did a look today using several shadows from Urban Decay's new Vice 3 palette that i acquired a couple weeks ago.
Today was really the first chance I've had to play around with it,
and it's amazeballs.
( full post of swatches coming soon)

The rest of the shadows came from older Vice palettes.

Here's Bondage, Baby.

This look would be a sultry, nighttime/date night look.
The colors I used reminded me very much of Fall, too.
I'm IN LOVE with 'Sonic' and 'Bondage',
and will def use them more in the future.

I used:

'Lucky', 'Sonic', and 'Bondage' are all from Vice 3.
'Ambush' and 'Derailed' are form Vice 2,
and 'Freebird' is from the original Vice!

Check back soon to see full swatches of the Vice 3 palette :)


Latest SYN Cosmetics shadows/swatches!

Though I haven't been blogging/doing anything exciting with makeup lately,
I'm still a lover of SYN Cosmetics' stuff.
I recently got 5 new shadows/glitters in the mail,
and I wanted to share them with you!

Here they are over a Too Faced shadow primer:
(no editing!!)

She's currently out of my all time favorite shadows, Synfused, so 'Slim' is a nice alternative!
(If you look at most looks I've done in the past year or so- there's a good chance I used 'Synfused' in most of them)
'Entice' is another one I've used before that I LOVED,
so replenishing it was necessary, obvi.

This is a metallic shadow and glitter,
both of which are new to me.
I foresee doing some amazing Fall looks with 'Zone'! 

You can check out these and more on the SYN Cosmetics website here.


I'M BACKKKKK... kind of.

Hello, fellow bloggers!
After graduating college, moving to a new city, starting a new job, AND getting married-
I FINALLY have a little time to get back to blogging!
... and only because it's Fall Break :P

Hopefully, I can get the ball rolling again and post at least twice a week

I will preface this by saying that after all the stress the past several months has held,
my nails are crap.
I've bit and picked at them to the point that they are nowhere near presentable to be photographed-
at least now for a nail/beauty blog.

For tonight, since Fall is finally here, I have a lovely little Fall-ish lipstick.
Here's Maybelline's 'Maple Kiss':

I snagged this beauty from the drugstore the other day.
I'm sure it's not a new product,
but it's still lovely for Fall :)

Perfect for Fall!

I have some brand new SYN Cosmetics shadows that I'll be swatching for my next post!