

November favorites!

I haven't been blogging regularly enough to even have a 'favorites' post these past months,
but I'm finally making it up for that today :)

BEHOLD, my favorites (some that I blogged about, some that I didn't get around to) 
from November!

1. EOS chapstick in 'Green Mint'

I love EOS chapstick.
It lasts forever and works fantastically.
What I like best about this 'Greent Mint' flavor is the
(duh) minty flavor :) It reminds me of winter/the holidays,
so I think now is a perfect time to go buy it.
If your lips are as chapped as mine,
it will be a welcome reprieve! :)

You can find these almost anywhere, from Target to Walgreens- & stores like them.

I did a post on this bad boy the other day here.
Basically, it's perfect for the holidays.
I don't regularly use powder at all,
but I make an exception for this one.

I reviewed this mascara the other day,
and it's UH-MAZING.
See my full review for the details! :)

4. Yes to Carrot's Shampoo & Conditioner

So I originally bought this brand because I wanted to try something without all the harmful chemicals that mainstream brands use.
Carrots seemed different but not too wacky.
Turns out, (I didn't pay close attention) and it's actually for a dry scalp O_o
Lucky for me that I bought this,
because the cold weather this past month has caused my scalp to be super dry.
It's never flaked before,
and it's super irritating and embarrassing.
This product, though, helps immensely with that.
PLUS, it's made out of completely safe ingredients AND makes your hair smell good :)
I definitely suggest this brand for anyone who is struggling with a dry scalp 
and/or just wants a safe and healthy alternative!

I did a review on this lipstick here.
It's been one of my favorite, go-to Fall lipsticks.
I love all Maybelline lippies,
and this doesn't fail to disappoint! :) 


I enjoy reading & appreciate any and all comments! This whole blog is still a work in progress and i'm learning more about the nail/beauty world everyday... I appreciate any feedback & knowledge you provide! :)