

n00b Week: Day 2- 'Fun-Fetti' !

Hey everyone,
quick post tonight.
I'm continuing n00b week with one of my recent purchases that I'm the most excited about xD
I think it's definitely going to be my new favorite.

I give you Finger Paints' 'Fun-Fetti'

! ! ! ! ! ! !
so awesome.
* fluorescent lighting

* i guess the lighting technically isn't that great here, but I still like it.


So this polish is basically too cool for school. 'Fun-Fetti' is a clear base with teeny tiny green glitter, slighty larger colorful glitter, and than large, hexagonal glitter. I just chose to put it over a base coat because I wanted all the individual elements of this polish to shine. It actually reminds me of OPI's 'Rainbow Connection'.

Regardless, I LOVE this polish and don't ever want to take it off. I can tell this is definitely one I'll be coming back to and using quite soon :h

What are your thoughts?!


n00b Week! Day 1- HITS 'Afrodite'



So since I've got several new polishes over the past week or two, I decided to dedicate the next week or so to n00b week :)

There aren't many introductions needed for tonight's polish- it can pretty much speak for itself :)

* daylight

* fluorescent light

Hooray! :r
' Afrodite' is described as bright pink linear holographic polish... though I think the 'bright' part isn't totally accurate. It's more of a soft pink, but I like it all the same :d However, the consistency was a littttttle gloopy. As with the other HITS i've tried, it DID dry super fast- which is always nice :) This is the first 'mani' i've done in a long time that didn't get almost immediately messed up afterward. I try to do too much or my daughter JUST SO HAPPENS to need me right after I finish :$

Anyways, I love this little doll of a polish.
What do you guys think?

Have a good night!


lovely lip perfection

Good evening, ladies!
Hope everyone's had a great week & has great plans for the weekend. I'm actually going to  Mim0sa show later tonight & can't wait :e

Ok so, tonight's product is pretty new to me. I don't know about the rest of you, but if I do anything on my lips its usually just chapstick and lip gloss... however, the other day I had a sudden desire for a lovely, bright red lipSTICK for a change. As I was browsing the aisles in ULTA, I found Covergirl's LipPerfection Lipcolor and decided to give it a go.

This stuff is awesome! I bought the bright red shade I wanted as well as a more neutral and soft pink.

* 'Hot Passion'
* 'Verve'

* 'Verve' shown here on my lame kissy face

* 'Hot passion', my favorite.

I highly recommend this stuff. One of the things that always frustrated me about lipstick was it's lack of staying power... but that's not an issue with this product. 'Hot Passion' is the one I wear the most, and I can eat, drink, etc. for hours without having to worry about it coming off. The actual lipstick is also super silky and has a built in moisturizer. This particular lipstick comes in 45 different shades, so you're guaranteed to find one that matches you best.

Do any of you have this?
What are your thoughts?

Newest additions!

I'm taking a break from the mindless paper I'm writing so liven things up a bit with a post :)
Quickly, I made a few extra purchases today and wanted to share!


* from the Kardashian Kolor collection, 'Follow me on Glitter'

* left is Zoya's 'Tanzy' next to NOPI's 'Fabulous is my Middle Name'

* also from the KK collection, 'Kim-pletely in Love'
** super sheer polish, so hard to see on the wheel :/


I'll try to have some swatches up of these soon!
Do any of you have these?
What do you think?!

And because when I think of the Kardashians I think of rich and girly things, I thought this song was rather appropriate :P


a glittery gal!


Quick post tonight. I thought about not even posting it because I just don't have a good enough camera to capture the shots I need to in order for everyone to see the awesomeness of this polish :c PLUS it was dark when I was doing this, so I didn't have the option of daylight either >.<

Anyway, here's what I managed to get for H701 Glitter Gal !

Soooooo yeah. I'm sorry it's such a disappointing post. I'm going to try to swatch this again in the daylight soon & post those so you guys can see the amazingness. At least you catch a glimpse of it in the bottle :i

This Glitter Gal doesn't have a name (though it's number is H701) but llarowe describes it as a linear holographic with a black base & linear holographic particles. You can get this for $14 bucks on her site, though it's sold out at the moment :/ 

Sorry the pictures are so crappy :(
Does anyone else have this?

Thanks! xD

a little Spit Fire for you ;p

hey guys! :)
 Blahhhhh, i've been barely keeping my head above water with school, my daughter, cleaning the apt, etc. etc... so I haven't had the energy to post too much lately. But I feel rather revived after forcing myself to relax some today, so here we go!

I'm pretty stoked about tonight's post because it's featuring a polish I've been anxious to use for quite awhile now.

I give you PureICE's 'Spit Fire' :e

* fluorescent lighting

Super badassssss <3

'Spit Fire' is a clear base with tiny rose colored glitter and larger pieces of holographic glitter. I couldn't believe my luck when I discovered this on the Walmart shelf. I feel like (at least at the Walmarts around me) I always see the same PureICE polishes... but I had never seen this little gem before. So of course I scooped it up. I can't believe the gorgeousness of this cheap little polish! :P So awesome.

Above is 3 coats, but it still looked great with just 2. As with most glitters (at least in my experience)- it dried pretty durn quickly. HOWEVER, removal will probably be the bane of my existence, but we'll see :o

 This song was too apt to pass up. I love me some Prodigy every now & then :) DNB, baby.

What do you guys think?! 
Thanks for reading! xD


'Beauty From the Earth' swatches!

AHHH! :e
So excited about tonight's post.
 Aside from Lime Crime, BFTE is the other cosmetic brand I reached out to. I've seen it featured on several legit make up blogs & figured I had to try it myself. 

One of the GREAT things about BFTE is that (at least for eye shadows) they allow you to either purchase a regular 'jar' of  the shadow ($6.50) OR a sample size... which is only $2! Seeing as how I didn't know too much about this brand, I ordered 6 sample sizes of six different eye shadows.

Ok, here we go:

* 'Oak' is a vivi brown with shimmer. I know I'll be using this quite often :)

* 'Raspberry' is a bright, shimmering pink. As I've said, I'm usually not a fan of faint, light pinks... but this is different. Though it's really a medium pink ( as in, not faint pink but also NOT hot pink) it's... potency (for lack of a better word) is amazing. no subtlety here!

* 'Atomic Teal' is a shimmery, black-teal. I'm super excited to use this.

* 'Last Dance' is a warm, purple-plum shade with pearl shimmer. I don't really have any other shadows like this so i'm anxious to try this one, also.

* '7 Seas' is fabulous! It's a matte, ocean green-blue & super vibrant. Like 'Last Dance', I don't really have anything like it so I can't wait to try it out.

* 'Big Island' is, aside from 'Oak', the shadow I was most excited about since I use these colors most often. It's a golden brown with green, gold, and pink micro glitter, and is supposed to resemble wet sand!


* 'Big Island', '7 Seas', & 'Last Dance'

* 'Raspberry', 'Oak', & 'Atomic Teal'

So there you have it. Since I just got these in today, I haven't really had a chance to do any looks with them yet. But I'll be sure to post some soon!

Do any of you have any BFTE cosmetics?! What are your opinions on it?


new rack (heh heh) & HITS!

Good morning, lovers!
Quick & exciting post today 8)

First of all, my nail polish rack finally came in the mail yesterday! :e Until now I've been keeping them in a makeup bag & they were nearly impossibly to sort through without taking them ALL out, so I decided to splurge a bit and buy something to organize them.

* props to my bestie Courtney for helping me hang it! 

I also got in one of my HITS nail polishes yesterday!! I've been so freaking excited to get these in- you have no idea. Well, maybe you do :brow 

I give you 'Hermes'!

It's just as awesome as I thought it would be. Aside from pink, orange, and silver- one of my other favorite colors to wear on my nails is gold. 'Hermes' is a "golden tan linear holographic" polish from the HITS No Olimpo collection. I personally love Greek/Roman mythology and history (& have gotten the chance to travel all over Greece), so I love that all the polishes in this collection are named after gods and goddesses :)

Application was super fantastic. The bottom of my bottle was chipped so it can't stand straight- but that's the only downside to this polish. In the above picture I just used 2 coats- no top coat. I was also pleasantly surprised with how quickly 'Hermes' dried :D

Do any of you have HITS? What's your favorite?

Thanks for reading!!


Lime Crime Time!


So I'm super excited about today's post because one of the several packages I've been anxiously waiting for came in today! :O

As you may have noticed, pretty much anytime I do a make-up look/review/suggestions whatever- it's Urban Decay. However, with some of my birthday money I decided to branch out and try some other brands. 

:star Introducing, Lime Crime's 'Mirror Mirror' :star

* Swatch, though it's hard to see it's shimmer here

* fluorescent  lighting 

* outdoor lighting

* straight on shot- i look sleepy :/

 YAY! :e
' Mirror Mirror' is part of their Magic Dust eyeshadows , and is a reflective silver with an iridescent shimmer. The effect really is etherial. I applied with my finger, but one could easily use a brush as well. Unlike other loose shadows, I did NOT find that it fell all over my face as I applied it, which was a nice little change :) 
 Aside from the neutral browns/tans, this look is the other one that I most commonly do. 'Tis a good nighttime look ;) I just bought one shadow since I didn't know if I would like them or not, but I'm definitely going back for more. They have a ton of several, super vivid colors. I really love the theme Lime Crime is based upon. It has a whimsical, mystical, and fantastical feel to it. It's quite fun :$ Each little "dust" is $14, which IS a bit cheaper than Urban Decay.

All in all, I'm very glad I gave these a go. They only have a few stores in the US (& only a few in other countries, too, for that matter) so their website is probably the best bet for acquiring their products. You should also check out their lipgloss/lipstick... that's definitely on my wish list, too.

AND, for all you nail guru's, they have a nail section coming soon! :i

There you have it.
Do any of you have any Lime Crime products?! 
What do you think about it?

Thanks for reading! :D


cheapo galaxy nails? eh?

i've got like 6 different things coming from six different companies & I was really hoping I'd have at least ONE of my purchases by now to share with you :/
oh well. Surely by tomorrow something will come in.

tonight's look was a little impromptu. I really wanted to use a new Sinful Colors polish I got and a newer glitter, so i figured I'd try them together :P

My boyfriend said they look like "space", so it got me to wondering if they could pass for amateurish galaxy nails? To the untrained eye, maybe... not you nail pros, though ;)

so here we go!
* Sinful Colors' 'What's Your Name' & Sally Hansen's 'Ice Queen'

* fluorescent lighting

* I was trying to capture the tiny blue & purple glitter in 'What's Your Name', but it was hard to do :/

I really, really love 'What's Your Name'. It's black with teeeeeeny blue & purple glitter that can only be seen in the right light, and they make the polish so much more interesting. 'Ice Queen' is a clear base with TEENY silver glitter, small pieces of holographic glitter, and larger, circular blue and purple glitter. Like I said, I was actually quite pleased with the way it turned out.

So there you have it. I'm not a nail artist, but there's my version of cheapo galaxy nails! xD
What do ya think?! :brow


I've Got the Blues Week : Day 7- 'A List'

Good evening fellow bloggers!
Today was a pretty badass day, considering I colored my hair for the very first time ever.
My natural color is this chestnut brown shade, but I really wanted a change. SO, I decided to go a couple shades darker! :p

and voila!

I'm in love and want to keep it forever.

ANYWAY, on to the final day of Blue's Week!

I give you 'A List'!
*fluorescent lighting

*excuse my f-ed up ring finger... wouldn't be me doing my nails if they didn't get screwed up right afterwards! :f

So I bought this polish not too long ago & have really been looking forward to trying it because it's just such a unique shade. It's a silky, pale blue that is super luxe. HOWEVER, I was pretty disappointed (though I guess I shouldn't have been, considering it was just a couple bucks) :/ Application was super trying. I don't know if i was because of the polish or what, but it was virtually impossible to not have the brush strokes showing. It was also a very unforgiving polish-- it shows ANY AND ALL errors. But again, it WAS just a couple bucks at Wally World so what did I expect? Not the way I wanted to finish Blue's Week, but there you have it! >.<

This reminds me of this polish because I have a feeling that if you're on the A List, you're bumpin' something like this because you know you're the sh*t :p